Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jodeci's Back . . . or Not

It's reunion time! And like most reunions, whether it's family or band mates, you know somebody's going to show their azz. You can almost always bet that somebody will show up drunk, high as a kite, ready to rumble, or looking and acting like a prima donna. Either way, you know you're in for an interesting time.

Well, from the looks of this video I think JoJo from the famed 90's group, Jodeci, showed his azz big time. He collapses midway through the performance. I hope he's okay. All jesting aside, I hope he's now clean and sober.

Check this out.

1 comment:

Mervin said...

Goodness, there is a great deal of effective data in this post!
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