I have refrained from engaging in many conversations with friends and strangers about the 2008 U.S. presidential election. Mainly because I don't particularly care for either of the candidates: Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Hilary
Rodham Clinton (D-NY), and
Barack Obama (D-IL). But with the malicious attacks leveled at Senator
Obama for comments made by his former pastor and
spiritual advisor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, I got to thinking, "Is turnabout fair play?"
Why has the media been so negligent in covering inflammatory comments made by a pastoral supporter of John McCain, Pastor John Hagee? Most people who watch television ministry are probably aware of John
Hagee, a white, evangelical pastor of a mega church in San Antonio, Texas. Pastor
Hagee is a very popular preacher. He appears several times a day on various television stations across the country. I happen to like Pastor
Hagee. I believe that he is a man of God and that he really believes the Bible is the infallible word of God, as I do. I also like Reverend Wright. I believe that he is a man of God and he believes the Bible is the infallible word of God. I don't think Pastor
Hagee's views are all that different from Reverend Wright when it comes to his convictions.
Hagee is often quoted as saying that the Catholic Church is a "whore religion." He is a strong supporter of Israel. And he preaches death to unbelievers. This is the same pastor that Senator McCain openly lobbied for support during the Republican primary. While the media has hopped on Reverend Wright's inflammatory comments and "attacks" on America, they have largely ignored John
Hagee's claims and criticisms.
Now it seems that Pastor
Hagee may become a "thorn in the side" for the Republican presidential candidate, according to
The New York Times. Finally the media seems to be focusing their radar on this "crazy" white preacher from Texas. I've already issued my disclaimer, I like Pastor
I also like Reverend Wright, who is a supporter of Minister Louis Farrakhan. So if
Obama can have Reverend Wright and McCain can have Pastor
Hagee, then I guess turnabout is fair play. Does one beget the other?
Hagee. Farrakhan. Am I aligned with all of their beliefs? No.
Should I, or Senator
Obama, or you be held accountable for our pastor's views? They have a right to their beliefs, and so do I.
Here's an op-ed piece from today's issue of the
The New York Times. It's titled
The All-White Elephant in the Room.