Saturday, February 9, 2008

A Change is Gonna Come . . .

Sam Cooke wrote and first recorded his hit song, "A Change is Gonna Come," in 1964, which later became the anthem for the civil-rights movement. Now more than 40 years later, a new generation of socially consicous Americans are singing a new tune: "Yes, We Can.", based on a speech given by 2008 Democratic presidential hopeful, Senator Barack Obama.

A new voice ihas emerged in American politics and people are listening. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

My goodness and hallelujah -- i broke into fort knows to leave you this comment (smile) -- i wanted to remark on the the fluidity of your blog -- nice flow.

A change is here and I pray we are all ready to accept what God allows!

Priestess said...

Yes, I can accept what God allows. I firmly believe that all power is ordained of God despite the imagination of humanity.

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